Supporters & Partners

The Dickes Bee Food Cooperative welcomes supporters and partners.

  • Up to something good that you want us to share?
  • Want to team up for an excursion or project?
  • How about donating some of our wishlist: bulk bins, bulk glass containers with nozzles?
  • Could you offer free space in Soldiner Kiez, or in another neighborhood to start a satellite group?

The Dickes Bee Food Cooperative would like to thank the following supporters and partners that have supported us thus far in information, software, emotional support, tweets, weblinks, and well, food!

Financial support

Netzwerk Selbsthilfe e.V. gave us our first grant in November 2011. Thanks!

Community support

Meeting Places

Food Cooperatives


  • Regiotopia - collects and delivers farmer's produce to us every week



  • CHEF in BERLIN - catering service & cooking lessons by Jill DiGiovanni (Berlin)

Other Friends of The Dickes Bee
