In September 2012, the Dickes Bee made two appearances in Venice, Italy!
Emi Bryan, a former Bee (before she flew out of Berlin), made the Dickes Bee the focus of her architecture project...she pitched the idea of converting the bunkers at Humboldthain Park into our new hive.
Not only did Emi involve the members in the process, and come up with a super professional presentation, but her project won the international environmental prize for the competition! Congrats, Emi!
Kap was in Venice to visit the installation of her project...the full presentation (pdfs) is also available in paper at the Hive.
Emi's project was presented in the Palazzo Bembo.
Emi's installation at the palazzo:
1st prize in environmental impact!
Description of the competition:
(the installation was really neat, the space converted to feel like a bunker or trench - with army mesh, binoculars and "spy" identity cards (Emi being one of them...)
...then...just one week later, the Dickes Bee appeared at the International Conference on Degrowth: Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity!
Kristine Müller, a current Bee who has been with the coop since its beginning, submitted an accepted abstract and created a poster/ about the coop...not to mention, spent a few days at the conference in Venice representing us.

Kristine's academic poster (pdf) will be displayed at the Hive for the rest of 2012, then it will go back into its archive.
So, grazie mille to our two bella Bee's...! and congratulations!