Young Friends of the Earth Europe and Dickes Bee reCAPturing Food and Agriculture!

Young Friends of the Earth Europe and BUNDjugend invited Dickes Bee to their "reCAPturing food & agriculture!" event.

What these motivated young europeans wanted was to "learn about, plan together and take action for more sustainable food and agriculture in Europe and the world".

It was just before the "Wir haben es satt!" demonstration on January 19th, where 20.000 people joined in Berlin to say "we have had enough" of the current food and farming system.

Elgin and Emilie, two current bees, were happy to talk about food coops, present Dickes Bee and chat with this enthousiatic group!

Dickes Bee Presentation, with beautiful pictures from Jessica Kamens

Many thanx to YFoEE and BUNDJugend for inviting us !